CASE STUDY: Power Apps - Custom CRM Development

Suffixtree AEM Case Study 

Multi-Site Management


Adobe Experience Manager for Multi-Site Management: A Case Study


A multinational corporation had several websites across different regions, each with its own unique brand identity and content requirements. Managing multiple websites across regions was challenging, with inconsistencies in branding, content, and user experience. They selected Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to manage their multi-site platform, given its robust multi-site management capabilities and seamless integration with other Adobe products.


The corporation faced several challenges in managing their multi-site platform with AEM. They had a complex content architecture that needed to be organised and managed effectively across regions. They also had different brand requirements and content needs across regions, requiring a platform that was flexible and customizable. Additionally, the corporation needed a platform that could handle high traffic volumes and ensure a seamless user experience across all websites.


The corporation worked with an experienced AEM development team to implement a multi-site platform with AEM. The team created a custom AEM template that enabled the corporation to create and manage their own regional websites, with customised branding, content, and user experience. They also developed a custom workflow process that enabled efficient content creation and publishing across all websites.
To ensure that the platform could handle high traffic volumes and provide a seamless user experience across all websites, the development team implemented caching techniques and leveraged AEM's cloud-based architecture. They also implemented AEM's built-in analytics capabilities to provide real-time insights into website performance and user behaviour.


The corporation successfully launched their new multi-site platform with AEM, and the results were impressive. The platform saw a significant increase in website traffic, with page load times improving by up to 40%. The corporation was able to organise their complex content architecture effectively, with efficient content creation and publishing across all websites.
Overall, the corporation was extremely satisfied with the platform and its ability to meet their unique needs. They were able to provide their customers with a consistent, user-friendly experience across all websites, with customised branding, content, and user experience for each region. The platform also enabled the corporation to improve their internal content management processes, enabling faster content creation and publishing across all websites.


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